Sunday, April 8, 2012


By Irving Serrano

It appears we have started a New Year, and we had a pleasant winter. Unlike other years when Jack frost, would hit hard then linger on. Now we`re in the month of May. Everyone starts to look forward to the summer season. Spring is in the air. And now as everyone celebrates Easter, their is a large number of people all throughout the world that acknowledge the pass over, and the upcoming days as the celebration of Jesus Christ, resurrection. We can read through the four Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. From the birth of Jesus Christ, his days on earth. His brutal Crucifixion, and his glorious resurrection. All through these different Gospels, we can clearly see that Jesus, knew suffering, he knew pain, he understood torment. And though he never knew sin, he died for the sin of all mankind. When we read pass the four Gospels, we come to the book of Acts, where we`er introduced to Paul of Silas. Otherwise known as the Apostle Paul. And like many other prophets and disciples before him, have so much to share with us. All these things that were said and written many, many years ago. Yet all these messages are as pertinent, as they were then. But I would like to point out with pride, something that was written, and said by our President Obama, just a few days ago. " This weekend we celebrate the resurrection of a Savior, who died so that some might live. And throughout these sacred days, we recommit ourselves to follow his examples. We might rededicate our time on earth to selflessness, and to loving our neighbors. We remind ourselves that no matter who we are, or how much we achieve, we each stand humbled before an almighty God ". It truly is a pleasure to quote anyone who is not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. As I wish everyone a Happy Easter, I leave you with this prayer; God our Father, by raising Christ your Son, you conquered the power of death, and opened for us the way to eternal life. Let our celebration today raise us up and renew our lives by the spirit that is within us. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. May God bless you. Love always, Irving Serrano Sr. 


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