Monday, April 15, 2013


By Irving Serrano Sr

Some times when we travel, we are often faced with what we want to take. If we are taking a flight, we are faced with, what we may like to carry verses checking in. In most cases, we are forewarned about over weight baggage. There is an additional charge to pay. In the event you get seated in the middle row, you have to deal with other peoples extra baggage. Making your journey a little less pleasant. As born again Christians, we all believe, and understand that we are living in this world, as if it were a journey. We live this current life, knowing and having faith, in our Lord Jesus Christ, that one day He will come for us. If our bodies fail us, and we depart from this world. He will take us into His loving arms. Otherwise we continue the good fight of faith. We love one another, and live a life pleasing to God. My inspiration comes from Paul of Tarsus; originally named Saul. He was one of the most notable of early Christian missionaries, his prolific writings forming a major portion of the New Testament. His influence on Christian thinking has arguably, been more significant than any
other New Testament author. The apostle Paul, wrote many letters, as he traveled, all the while teaching and preaching the Gospel of Christ. He was also a great teacher, as his letters go on to demonstrate. He traveled the land, meeting different people, and always made it a point to show the believers how to serve God. How to conduct themselves. Our Bible tells us that on a few occasions, he went to their churches, saying; No! your doing it all wrong. Like in today's world, there are people that live without any knowledge of Christ. Yet, there are many people that do know about Christ. They proclaim to be Christians, most of them even go to church, on a regular basis. Some are held back, because of the excess baggage. Some times there are things in our lives, that should no longer exist in our daily lives. People, places, or things? These are the excess baggage. The ones that hinder you from prospering, and living a totally clean life, that is pleasing to God. Paul wrote a letter to the church of the Corinthians, and his principal concern, was the nonchalant concern of the church. He was talking about a man who was sleeping with his fathers wife. He went on to say how the pagans did`nt live this way. Meaning those who did`nt believe in God, would not live this way. And yet they wanted to boast. ( 1 Corinthians 5). Many people come to know  Christ, they feel the conviction. They surrender their life to Jesus, as lord and saviour, then act as if were a great secret. They act like it would be wrong to speak to the on-believers. Let us all remember, that when Jesus Christ, walked this earth. He really did`nt hang out with the believers except to fellowship. Otherwise He spent his time with the non-believers, the ones who made jokes, the ones who lived in sin. The rest of us who proclaim to be followers, true born again practicing Christians, need to show love and compassion towards the newly in Christ. Show them the way. Remember that the sin that a church turns a blind eye, becomes the sin of that church. Each one of us have a responsibility to the church of our bodies, and our families. We cannot turn a blind eye to any sin, that wants to dwell within our church. (1 Corinthians 5:6,7, Do`nt you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new leavened batch, as you really are, for Christ, our passover lamb has been sacrificed. " Therefore let us keep the festival, not with the old bread leavened with malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth". Christ road it out to the very end, while He was nailed to that center cross. May God bless you. Love always, Irving Serrano Sr. 

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