Tuesday, June 7, 2011


By Irving Serrano

Since the beginning of time as we know it. There has always been a competitive spirit, that compelled man to better himself, prosper or gather more riches. Be it by cattle, silver or gold. Since ancient times man has also competed in arenas, in many cases the winner would live, and the looser would die. I thank God, that in today's world. Man has the opportunity to challenge another, such as in sports. There are those who exceed and win, the other has just lost, for that moment. These men, are still men. Still Fathers, Husbands, brothers. These men, train and prepare no differently than those they go to challenge. However, until they claim a victory. They are sometimes called an under-dog. I would like to share a story about a man, who could have been looked upon as an under dog, yet He rose to be a great man. Who also showed mercy and compassion for his fellow man, when he rose to a high, and mighty stature. This story can be found in the Bible; book of Genesis. This man had to endure jokes made about himself. Often criticized for his comments. he was wrongly accused and put into prison. Probably his strongest memory as a child; was when his own brothers sold him, after they first threw him into a pit, and conspired to kill him. All this because this man, even as a child. Had a relationship with God. If his brothers saw, or understood a different relation with Him, and their Father, it was only because there father new that God found favor in this child. And so he appeared to be different. Humble, affectionate and spoke with piece in his heart, unlike his brothers. He had a gift; the ability to interpret dreams. He was a man of pure heart, and his faith was in the God of his father. When purchased and resoled as a slave, he ended up in the Pharaoh's dungeon, despite all the turmoil, the different people he was locked away with. He never changed, His faith in God remained. It wasn`t long before word of his ability to interpret dreams was known, and he was assigned to help his king, with the interpretation of certain dreams that was bothering this king. God, was with him,and gave him a clear understanding as to the interpretation he reported. Gods Divine plan went into affect all throughout each time he was asked to interpret. This is truly a powerful and moving story. It is the story of Joseph. Many can relate to the idea of rooting for the underdog, this story depicts not just a man with the status of an underdog, but also shows us the the faith, and trust a man had in God, and how God, never lost his love for this faithful man. I urge you to read this story in its entirety, and celebrate the moment when this child, grows up to be a man, and even though he is even to be thought of as a man of a different nationality, is reunited with his Father. A story that will remain in your heart, to pass on to your own children. A lesson of trust and faith, in the God, of our Fathers. May God bless you. Love always, Irving Serrano.

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