Thursday, December 10, 2009


Christmas is the most popular Christian holiday celebrated all over the world. This is an
occasion when we elevate our thoughts to the birth of Jesus, remembering not just the fact that God sent to earth His only son, but also the unconditional love that led Jesus to sacrifice His own life to save humanity from its sins.
We begin early in preparing ourselves for the festivities. Houses are beautifully decorated inside and out, gifts purchased for all our family members and friends, plans are set for a plentiful feast - all the details that help enhance the holiday atmosphere. Entranced by all the arrangements and planning though, it is easy to forget to focus our minds and hearts on the true meaning of Christmas - the celebration of life.
It is sad that busy schedules have become a priority for so many people. We fail to remember that life is lived each day rather than once every 12 months. We wait until Christmas arrives to consider how precious life is, when we should truly exalt it and thank God for our existence each and every day.
Nevertheless, Christmas has the magical power to make us reflect upon values that may need to be reawakened in our souls. Between all the swirling emotions of the holiday season, we remember those who are absent, as well as the ones who have departed forever. Thoughts fly freely and faraway as we recall our dear ones.
The friendship and the good side of every human are enlivened with the exchange of profound words of affection and intrinsic worth followed by hugs, smiles and kisses, and tears of emotion, too.
The Christmas spirit gently and silently washes over us, making everyone's heart more sensitive, generous, fraternal, and tolerant! It seems that in these precious moments, Jesus grows even closer to humanity, showing His magnificent example of kindness, humbleness, sacrifice and love for our neighbors.
How wonderful it would be if people were to conduct themselves all throughout the year in the same way they behave and feel around Christmastime, by reviving peace, understanding, love and a profusion of good sentiments!
It is important that everyone reflect on the meaning of Christmas. It would be very positive and enlightening to explain to children that besides the oh-so-desired gifts there is something else that is very significant - sharing and caring for others. Parents can and should give little ones an opportunity to live out values such as solidarity, companionship and contribution, in accordance with the reality of each family.
To visit the elderly, to bring a gift to a less privileged child, to donate food to organizations that give away Christmas food baskets to needy families - these are just some of the ways in which we express these cherished values. The options are countless when we are willing to open up our hearts and to help others.
Just as Jesus was able to transform water into wine as an act of solidarity and love, imagine what we could do if we allowed the sentiment of Christmas to dwell in our hearts permanently.
In 2010, may we make an extra effort to preserve these values and to apply them at home, at work and throughout our communities!
I wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with God's blessings and a New Year full of accomplishments, peace, love and solidarity!

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