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By Irving Serrano
Many people through out the world, enjoy some type of sport. Watching on television from there homes, or actually at the fields, standing on the side-lines. They watch their favorite players, and for a few minutes they live through that player. For many Christians; this is an everyday event. Christians love and serve Christ. And as we go on day to day, in our work, and in our travels we allow Christ, to live through us. How ever some people, Christians loving god and reading their bibles, fall into a comfort zone. An area that causes them to not attend, or visit a church. God created the church so that a body would exist. A body of many different people that can come together to worship and praise him. To fellowship together. To put into practice the studying of his word. To pray, and develop the unity and strength in prayer. In (Hebrews 10;25) we read; "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-- and all the more as you see the day approaching". Many people today, were raised with parents, or an elder in their family that took them to church as a child. And today as adults with children of their own, acknowledge with no doubt what so ever, as to the power of God. This is because we grew up with an early introduction of who is Jesus Christ. We have to admit, weather we choose to accept Him, as Lord and savior, or not. Ultimately, we carry an undeniable faith that when times get hard, or some type of danger arises, we quickly call unto God. This is simply because you already know He exist. He is real. He died so that we may live. With his help, we can survive no matter where we live. In these days of broken economy, terrorist threatening society, the influence of ungodly music, and television. If we as adults rely on the teachings of our elders, the faith we have today is because of the Sunday school lessons our elders gave us, or saw we had by taking us to church as children. If we do not put this into practise. Then who? Who will teach our young? Our children are the most beautiful thing we produce. We teach and encourage them for schooling, and help propel them into a prosperous life. But if they are not introduced to Christ at an early age, if they are not taught of the power of prayer, if they grow up thinking and learning with out Christ. Then you must admit. It will be harder for them to survive the enemies temptations. They will not know that God gave man, all the authority over every living thing on this earth. They can easily be tricked by the enemy. Fooled by satan. Church is not about denomination, God did not create denomination. The Bible does not speak about denomination. I urge you today, please find yourself a church, a church that preaches the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, a church that acknowledges the Holy spirit. a church that allows you to come worship Christ, freely, and opens its doors. With an invitation of come as you are;" those of you who are heavy laden, come to me and I will give you rest". These were Gods words to man. You may have had a difficult experience at one time or other at a church, causing you to simply not belong to any church. My message to you; It`s not about belonging to a church. It`s about belonging to God, and making it possible to give your children, and your grand-children, the opportunity to live a blessed and healthy life, as a child of God. Like those favorite sport players you admire. God loves you. He has a purpose for you. You may not be given the star roll, in the center of the Field. Who knows? You may actually be the assist, the back up. But in what ever roll He chooses you for. It takes the preparation, the study of His word. The putting into practise the christian walk of faith. Live a happy prospered life, being a part of the body of Christ...the church. Stop letting the Satan, have his way. Stop letting the enemy make you feel like you are not authorized to pray. Speak to God today. What ever your going thru, no matter what the circumstances are. God will hear you. God will answer you. ( Romans 13: 12) The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. May God bless you. Love always, Irving Serrano Sr.
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